Package openlsd.multiple.admin

ML Subproject: InitDb, Check Consistency and Delete functions


Class Summary
LSDBenchClean Class for benchmarks purpose only (clean ML entries between benchmarks)
LSDCheckInDBThreadedDualLimitML Check DB <-> LSD in parallel but local to the LSD server with one step from LSD then both sides LSD/DB with DB.
LSDCheckInDBThreadedML Check DB <-> LSD in parallel but local to the LSD server with one step from LSD then both sides LSD/DB with DB.
LSDDeleteML Class to delete one file from DB and LSD.
LSDInitDBMLFromConfigFiles Main Class to show an example of initialization of DB only from config files for Multiple Legacy support.
LSDInitOpFromDB This class is intend to enable reload of all documents in the Op table in order to allow resynchronisation after a crash occurs on the remote OpenLSD Server.
LSDInitOpFromDBForStorage This class is intend to enable reload of all documents in the Op table in order to allow resynchronisation after a crash occurs on the remote OpenLSD Server for One Storage from One Legacy.
LSDInitOpFromDBPL This class is intend to enable reload of all documents in the Op table in order to allow resynchronisation after a crash occurs on the remote OpenLSD Server, using PL/SQL procedure.
LSDInitOpFromDBPLForStorage This class is intend to enable reload of all documents in the Op table in order to allow resynchronisation after a crash occurs on the remote OpenLSD Server for One Storage from One Legacy, using PL/SQL procedure.
LSDOpHandlerExport This class is intend to propose a framework to enable database replication using an applicative way (replication of orders to redo in replicated databases) based on the export files that can be produced by the OpHandler itself.
LSDOpHandlerImport This class is intend to propose a framework to enable database replication using an applicative way (replication of orders to redo in replicated databases) based on the final export files that can be produced by the OpHandlerExport itself, using a format as "idip;op;lid;sid;did;size;md5;business-index".

Package openlsd.multiple.admin Description

ML Subproject: InitDb, Check Consistency and Delete functions