Package openlsd.appli.autoimport.commonimport

Sub Classes for Import and AutoImport support


Class Summary
LSDAutoImportTask Sub Class to handle auto import of files using one DB connection for all threads
LSDAutoImportTaskBlock Sub Class to handle auto import of files using a dedicated DB connection for each thread
LSDCommonFunctions Class for common functions in Import methods
LSDExtQueueMember Class to store information on each file to import, including LSDBusiness information.
LSDExtQueueMembers Class to store information about multiple LSDExtQueueMember for a block (group) of files to import, including global size for this block of files.
LSDImportAbstract Simple class that shared common things and methods between importers
LSDImportFile Class to really import files into LSD and DB with a physical access to the file for the LSD server
LSDImportFileBlock Class to really import files into LSD and DB in a block (group) of files schema
LSDImportNetFile Class to really import files into LSD and DB from Net

Package openlsd.appli.autoimport.commonimport Description

Sub Classes for Import and AutoImport support